Friday, January 8, 2010

eating in a green way

Water House is a new eco-friendly restaurant located in Shoreditch, East London. This was developed to try and eat a new way and the head of this restaurant wanted to "eat green." 48% of all the profits from this restaurant will go back into the environment and help improve the area. Not to many places other then London can you dine at this level and actually help out the community and climate at the same time as eating but it is time that everyone starts changing to help. The Water House restaurant uses climate water temperatures from the canals to provide its cooling and heating system. They use solar panels to provide hot water and renewable electricity; there are hydro-carbon fridges; water is filtered and bottled on site; a wormery digests raw food; a hot composter manages the garden's waste; an experimental system transforms cooking oil into a compostable substance; and the kitchen runs on hydroelectricity.


  1. Holy tolito! That must be the most "ballin" restaurant ever. I wonder how much it cost to have put in all the green technology. More places should do this same thing.

  2. That is really freaking awesome! I love that even the fridges are eco-friendly: that's hard to find. I wonder how well the solar works in London though, it tends to be rainy a lot there.

  3. That's so cool! If a lot of restaurants did this our environment would be a lot better. Did it cost them a lot of money to build the restaurant with all the different kinds of alternative energy? But if you can you should go there on your trip!

  4. This is awesome, where do they get their food though, do they grow it or have it brought by trucks?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yeah I thought that it was pretty "ballin" as well. Just knowing that there are places out there like this really makes me want to go there and support them because they are actually doing things to help. I also found that the same guy who opened this restaurant also opened one in November 2006. It was London's first eco-friendly training restaurant, Acorn House. So there are some of these places out there just not many know about it. I hope then when I go to Europe this summer I can find places like this to eat at.

  7. Their food source is usually mostly locally. They say whether it's organic or not, placing the drive to reduce carbon footprint as more important.

  8. That's pretty cool Raven, but I won't believe you until you buy me an airplane ticket and take me out to lunch there. I'll be waiting don't let me down.

  9. I will get on that Cody and I will show you that this is real! I will get your ticket right now.

  10. That's so cool, we need more restaurants like this everywhere! It's pretty neat that they use like, all the right sources (eco-friendly) to run their business!

  11. Are you going to be in London and will you attend this restaurant because you should have that experience. It's a very cool thing. While all restaurants can't be this extreme I think more should take some steps to be greener.

  12. No we are not going to London, but I am going to look up different places like this in the country's we are going. I agree though having the experience of a restaurant like this would be pretty cool.

  13. Raven this is really cool!! Next time I go to London I wanna go!!!

  14. I wonder how much money this restaurant gains. It must be expensive to have all the different eco-friendly attributes. If it does make quite a profit, then it should show other restaurants that they can be clean and profitable as well.

  15. This restaurant sounds really cool. Is this restaurant profitable? How much are the menu items, and what kind of food do they serve? This is a beg step for London, a town that is highly polluted. America needs to take this next step. Very interesting though Raven!

  16. I wonder how long it will take for this kind of stuff to make its way over the the United States?
