Tuesday, December 1, 2009

green hotels

There are hotels all around the world that are trying to make a huge effort on making their energy and water usage lower. They are installing energy efficient lighting, low flow showers and toilets, participating in recycling programs. This is also contributing to the local communities. The one good thing about these green hotels is that no matter your budget there will be a green option for you to find.

"If you can't find a green hotel in your city, you can always take these steps to green-up your stay, and feel good about where you're going.
Encourage the hotel you choose to go green! Speak with or write a letter to the management, let them know that green options are important to you.
Let housekeeping know that you don't need them to replace your sheets and towels every day; this will reduce energy AND water usage.
Turn off the lights, air conditioner or heater, and the electronics in your room while you're out.
Turn off the water when you brush your teeth, and take a shorter showers.
Bring your own toiletries, or if you use what the hotel provides make sure to take what's leftover home with you."


Here is a site that has a list of many different green hotels around the would.


  1. Interesting topic! I can see where you're coming from, but I don't see many people changing their daily routine to much to "save" the environment. But maybe I will be proved wrong. Good luck with your blog!

  2. I love the tips, but I agree with Dan. I'm not sure if enough people will be encouraged to do it, they love things the way they are. Especially because sometimes hotels aren't the cleanest places (with the new sheets and towels thing). But I do think the writing a letter to management is a wonderful idea! Hotels do what’s in demand, but they won't know what you want until you speak up.

  3. I think you guys need a best hotels with the best management. Charleston West Virginia has been quite a taciturn recreation ground for adjacent neighbors and local residents alike. Anybody who’s been to the downtown area of Charleston will tell you that it’s among the friendliest cities in the States.
