Friday, October 30, 2009

Eurail Pass

There are many different types of transportation within each country of Europe. You can take a bus,car,airplanes,walk,trail,bike, or any other way you can think of. The easiest way for Amanda and myself to get around to all the different cities and countries is to purchase the Eurail train Pass. There are many different time limits you can get for your trip depending how long you plan to travel. The Eurail allows you to attend 21 different counties. As you can see in the picture below the 21 different places you can go. We are planning our trip for about four to five weeks, so we are going to buy the one month Eurail Pass. The one month pass is going to allow us to get on and off the trains, that are included in the pass, as many times as we want and when we want. There are different prices depending on your age and your time you will be traveling. If you are under the age of 25 then you will get your tickets cheaper. The one month pass is $805.00 ( or € 535 ) , but again all of the prices will depend on the length of your trip. If you are a youth and your prefer to have a first class pass, then you will have to purchase the adult ticket.


  1. A train seems like it would be the best way to travel esp. in Europe! it seems like the best value also. I really like the way the blog is going so far. I want to check Europe out someday also this is going to end up being very helpful for anyone. Just out of curiosity what are the reasons for your trip?

  2. I have always wanted to travel to Italy and Amanda loves to travel so we decided to travel to the different places that we wanted to see. But there really isn't a reason for the trip other then for fun and to see other parts of the world.

  3. Raven,

    your essential question should appear on your heading. What can you post next that answers the question about planning a trip of a lifetime?

  4. Raven, this is going to be awesome! The information your giving even helps me out and my travels. It's really cool that you can get something like this and it's totally convenient for travelers.
