Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lets drive in a friendlier way

"In the first six months of 2007, over 23,000 environmentally friendly cars were sold in the European country, translating into a rise of 25% over the same period last year. The growth indicates that low-emission automobiles made up for around 15% of all new registered cars."

For those who do not have an eco-friendly car there are other ways that can help the economy. Reducing the amount of driving can really help make the world a more "green" environment. So if you can't or don't have access to a hybrid try and use a train because it will really help.


  1. What an amazing and resourceful way to lower emissions! It would be great to have 100% participation in their town, but that will never happen. Nonetheless, it is a step in the right direction. It only costs 3£ to "fill", which should be enough initiative for anybody to switch!

  2. How much more eco-friendly is it to ride on a train than to drive your own car? Aren't trains powered by coal which contributes great amounts to global warming?

  3. The cars are so cute. I couldn't really understand what the guy in the video was saying, so I'm not sure if he said this, but how much would it cost to start something like this in the U.S. Would it work in the U.S? 3£ to fill would not only help the earth, but help our economy as well.

  4. THAT'S WICKED CHEAP COMPARED TO OUR GAS FILL-UP. I payed $45 to fill up my 4runner. I'd move to Europe just to drive their cars. They seem to be more conscious of the climate change issue and are more proactive about adapting to change. We should take some notes!

  5. They seem to be more aware of what they do to lower the carbon emissions. I think we should learn from them. I like your post.

  6. The use of cars like this need to be more widespread than just Europe. If everyone could change to this type of driving the results would be incredible. I don't get why more people don't understand that being green saves SO much money. This is just more proof of that.

  7. Yeah when I found that video and saw that is was only 3£ I couldn't believe that. I really wish that everyone would do something so that we could be involved. Just like Eden said there is more and more proof that going green would help you save. And yeah Ann it cost a lot of fill the cars that we have as well. Maybe after i come back from Europe I will decide to move there and that would definitely be a reason why. And yeah trains are obviously not better then hybrids and things like that but if you watch the video it tells you how much less pollution is created if not so many cars were out on the road. so in some ways it would be better to ride a train if you cant use and environmental friendly car.

  8. This is so interesting! Any type of alternate power for cars would be a great asset to our world. Anything to cut down on our CO2 emissions!

  9. Environmentally friendly cars are the way of the future! It is crazy how advanced we have become! 20 years ago no one was even thinking about how "fossil fuels will effect global climate". Good job Raven, I really like all of your blog posts!

  10. This is great! If the entire world was changed to that then our world would be a clean place. But I doubt everyone would want to participate. 3£ to "fill" is crazy! But what kind of car is it? Biodiesel, electric? There's a ton of new car ideas that will make it to the market but the only problem with that is there may be to many for people to chose from and fill up stations may be tricky.
